Take the Quantum Leap into Abundance: A Guide to the Good Life

Take a quantum leap into abundance. a guide to the good life
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When you think of quantum physics, you think of living in an alternate world.  This amazing “other” world, is a part of our everyday existence, we just don’t see it.

They say thoughts make who you are, but how do you shift from low-vibration, every-day thoughts to ones of abundance?

It takes some work, change doesn’t happen overnight, but there is more to it than just “thinking yourself rich.”

First, you have to get off the couch and put your thoughts into action.  In this book, you will learn about Hobson’s choice, which means sometimes we really don’t have a choice.  As Hobson says, “Only one horse is for sale.”  Read the book and you will understand.

Also discover how important it is to keep the faith and your eye on the goal.  We usually don’t think about these things when life is going well, but what if everything that could go wrong does?  Rather hard to keep the faith then.  Read how you can tap into that resilience and survive even the worst conditions.

Do you want to live past 100 years of age?  Explore this ancient culture and how they respect the elderly and see their older population as good fortune.  A lesson Americans could learn about aging.

There is more, but you’ll just have to read the book and see for yourself.


What does abundance look like?
Is it owning a room full of gold?
Laying in a field of flowers?

Or perhaps living in Shangri-La?

When do you know when you have enough? Where do you find abundance in the first place?

We are told to “have a better life,” but no instructions come with that advice. We wander around blindly, without direction, looking for the path of our dreams.

Finding self-esteem, losing weight, becoming less depressed – we should naturally know how to do these things, but we don’t.

And then we feel like failures because our dreams never happen. You are not a failure. You just need a blueprint to reach your goals.


  • a no-nonsense approach to building a kinder self-image
  • how people turn peak experiences into life-defining moments
  • the real world Shangri-La where people live beyond the age of 100
  • what an ancient great swordsman says about spirit and iron will
  • how to live a life or happiness and prosperity
  • how to build meditation and gratitude into your day

Come, Take the Quantum Leap. Watch YOUR DREAMS come true.

Take a quantum leap into abundance. a guide to the good life

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